Yuvajana Vibhag, Kozhikode District celebrated the festival of flowers - ONAM in a grand way. The function which is the first program of the newly formed committee was held on Saturday, 10th September 2011 at Sri Kanchi Sankaracharya Clinic hall, Tali and was inaugurated by Sri. T V Krishna Iyer (President, Kozhikode Kerala Brahmana Sabha).
In accordance a Pookalam (Flower Carpet) competition was conducted which saw many members from Various Upasabhas participate. The team representing Mankavu Upasabha comprising of Kum. Kavitha G, Kum. Ranjani Parameswaran and Kum. Sukanya Santhosh were declared the winners of the competition and the team representing Chalappuram Upasabha comprising of Smt. Leela viswanathan, Smt. Radhika Parameswran, Kum. Sneha and Mast. Krishna
bagged the second position. There were few other competitions like Dhumcherades, Insta – Adapt and Anthakshari which saw every one irrespective of age participate. Smt. Geetha Balasubramaniam (Treasurer - Vanitha Vibhag) gave away the prizes for the winners and also to all participants. The Yuvajana Vibhag team lead by Sri. Arunkumar (President), Sri. Rajesh P K( Vice President),
Sri. Sooraj (Secretary), Kavitha G (Joint Secretary), Kavitha G Krishnan (Treasurer) other Yuvajana Vibhag members Sri. GaneshRaj, Sri. Goutham, Sri. Vivek N V and Kum. Sukanya Santhosh took the lead in organizing the function, State Committee Members Sri. Kiran C G, Sri. Ramkumar K B, Senior leaders Sri. Gopalakrishnan C S, Sri. Mahalingam, Sri. Sivanandan and Dr. Thyagarajan were also present on the occasion. The function was well attended and the organisers were well appreciated for the initiative.