Kozhikode District recorded their strong participation at the 42nd Annual State Convention of Kerala Brahmana Sabha. The convention was held on Saturday, 2012 October 6th and Sunday, 2012 October 7th at Udupi Sree Krishna temple auditorium, Alappuzha. The Annual General Meeting of Yuvajana Vibhagam
was also held on 6th evening and that of the apex body and Vanitha Vibhagam on 7th throughout. Around 50 plus members including delegates represented Kozhikode district at this years Annual conference. The team was flagged off at Kozhikode railway station on Friday, 2012 October 5th and returned back and returned back on Sunday, 7th October 2012. At the Yuvajana Vibhagam AGM, the honours of Kalanjali 2012 - Kalathilakam (Sub Junior), Kalathilakam (Junior) and Kalaprathibha (Senior) were also given. The winners were Kum. Pooja Narayanan, Kum. Ranjani Parameswaran and Sri. Kiran C G collected their honours from Sri. Ramalingam V (State President - Kerala Brahmana Sabha) on the
occassion. The members also volunteered themselves in the conduct of the convention. A Thanks chart to Alappuzha district Kerala Brahmana Sabha with the signature of all participants and delegates was presented to Sri. A Venkitarama Iyer and Sri. Rakesh V Iyer by Sri. Harikumar P K (District Secretary, Kozhikode Kerala Brahmana Sabha) on the day of the AGM. In connection with the 42nd Annual Conference, Saamskarika Kalamela 2012 - an event conducted to upkeep and encourage the glory of Brahmin tradition and also to impart the Brahmin culture to the younger generation of our community was also be held. A strong contingent strength of 16 participants represented Kozhikode district at this years finals to be held on the 6th of October 2012. The team was led by Smt. Geetha V S (Team Manager)
and Assisted by Kum. Kavitha G (District Yuvajana Vibhagam Joint Secretary). Mast. Karthik Srinivas (s/o Smt. Jayalakshmi V and Sri. Venkatraman) and Kum. Priyakaveri V V (d/o Smt. Geetha V S and Sri. Venketadri) won the First place in Manthrochaaranam and Slokam Chollal respectively in their category of events. A strong and a commendable participation was also rendered by other participants at the events of Manthrochaaranam, Kolamidal, Slokam Chollal, Lalitha Sahasranama Parayanam and Bhajana. The teams were trained by Smt. Seethalakshmi C S and Smt. Lakshmi C S. The team was flagged off at
Kozhikode railway station on Friday, 2012 October 5th and returned back
and returned back on Sunday, 7th October 2012 with cherishable and everlasting memories.