Admidst the Prayers, Bhakti and grace of the lord, Radha Madhava Kalyana Mahotsavam was held at Kozhikode on Sunday, 2012 March 11th. In the mid of Bhakti and devotion Lord. Krishna garlanded Radha and showered his blessing on all devotees who had come to witness the kalyanam.
The function orgainsed by the district committee was held at Padmasri Kalyana Madapam, Tali, Calicut.. The kalyanam was held in the Bhajan Sampradaya. Specially designed idols of Lord Krishna and Radha were brought in a procession to the madapam in which all children, ladies and youth members accompanied them by singing bhajans all the way to the Mandapam,
and then placed in a specially decorated Unjaal.
Following Mangalasthanam, Aabharana, Vasthradharanam and Choornika, Lord Krishna garlanded Radha Devi. After Mangalyadhaaranam every devotee irrespective of age in the Mandapam participated in the Kalyanatharangam - a special dance showing happiness after the marriage of the Lord. Admist the celebration Sri. Panduranga Vittal Vaibhavam was also present. The highlight of this years Kalyana Mahotsavam was the 'NRITHYA SANKEERTHAN' by Abhinaya Chakravarti Sri. J S Easwara Prasad, who is a well known specialist Abhinayam dancer not just in India but as well as in abroad. Nrithya Sankkerthan - a unique concept developed by Sri. Easwara Prasad is such wherein expressive dance is performed extempore, without any choreography, neither composing nor makeup. This medium enables the connoisseurs follow the inner lying bhava of the lyric and get involved in the programme. The devotes too joined Sri. Easwara Prasad in the prayers and extended their full participation in the program.Sri. Sriram (s/o of Sri. Easwara Prasad and a Graded artist in All India Radio) head the bhajan team comprising of Sri. Ramanarayan (Singer), Sri. Balaji (Dolki), Sri. S G S Rathnam (Harmonium) and Sri. Anilkumar (Mridangam) and rendered great support and co-ordination to Sri. Prasad thereby taking all the devotees into a stream of Bhava, Laya, Bhakti and Devotion. It is believed that those youngsters who are in the verge of seeking allainces for a marriage life will get the blesseing of the almighty through their participation in the kalyanam and the would get a suitable alliance soon.
Following the Kalyanam, the Muhurtha Nalikeram was put for auction. Sri. T V Krishnan, District President - Kerala Brahmana Sabha Kozhikode did the felicitation address. The Bhaagavathars were then honored. The district committe also honored Sri. Anantharaman - a senior member and a super senior in the field of bhajan and namasankeerthanam.
The District president garlaned him and adorned him with a Ponnada on the occassion.The program went on in a highly disciplined and a organised manner which gave the chance for devotees to involve in the celebrations. Prasada Ootu was done after the function. Children, Ladies and devotees from all age and other fraterneties
participated in the kalyanam. All State committee members, District committee members of all the 3 wings were present on the occassion. Sri. Gopalakrishnan C S (State Committee Member), Sri. Harikumar P K (District Secretary) , Sri. Mahalingam V (District Executive Committee Member), Sri. Sivaramakrishnan (District Vice President), Smt. Geetha Venkitadri, Smt. Jayalakshmi (both executive committee members of District Vanitha Vibhagam), Sri. Sooraj S (District Yuvajana Vibhagam Secretary), Sri. Rajesh P K (Yuvajana Vibhagam State Committee Member) and Kum. Kavitha G (District Yuvajana Vibhagam Joint Secretary) were amongst the organisers. Smt. Padma V (State Joint Secretary, Vanitha Vibhagam KBS), Sri. Kiran C G (State President, Yuvajana Vibhagam KBS), Sri. Ramkumar K B (State Secretary, Yuvajana Vibhagam KBS) and Sri. Arun Kumar A S (State Treasurer, Yuvajana Vibhagam KBS) were also present on the occassion.