Kerala Brahmana Sabha Kozhikode North Upasabha organized a Namasankeerthana bhajan on the occasion of Margazhi Masam on Sunday, 2011 December 18th at 'Sumangali', Asokapuram Colony, Kozhikode. The bhajan was headed by Sri A V Krishnan (Puthiyangadi). Dr. K R Subbaram (President, North Upasabha) welcomed the gathering of devotees. All devotees irrespective of age joined in reciting the bhajans and gained the blessings of the divine. Sri. V Mahalingam (North Upasabha Secretary), Smt. Jayalakshmi (Vanitha Vibhagam State Executive member), Smt. Parvathy Thyagaran (District Vanitha Vibhagam President) were among the organisers. Dr. A Thyagarajan (KBS State Executive member), Sri. Rajesh P K (Yuvajana Vibhagam State Executive member), Sri. Arunkumar A S (Yuvajana Vibhagam District President), Sri. Harikumar P K (District Secretary) were also present on the occassion. Bagavath prasadam was distributed to all after the function.
..................Official Blog of Kerala Brahmana Sabha, Kozhikode District..................
║ nitāntakānta dantakānti mantakānta kātmajam achintya rupa mantahēna mantarāya krintanam
hrudantarey nirantaram vasantameva yoginām tameka danta meka meva chintayāmi santatam ║
Monday, December 19, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Congratulations Kumari. Priyakaveri, Master. Vishnu and Master. Venkitasubramanian
Kumari. Priyakaveri V V d/o Smt. Geetha Venketadri and Sri V K Venketadri, Chalappuram won the First prize in Sanskrit Aksharaslokam with A Grade at the District School Youth Festival 2011 held in Kozhikode. She also obtained 3rd prize in Aksharaslokam (General) with B grade, A Grade in Sanskrit recitation and was also part of the Patriotic Song team which obtained B Grade. Kum. Priyakaveri is currently studying in 6th standard at Zamorins School, Kozhikode.
Master Venkitasubramanian N V s/o Padma Venkideshwaran and Venkideshwaran, Chintavalappu, won the Second prize with A Grade in Aksharaslokam (General) at the District School Youth Festival 2011 held in Kozhikode. He is currently studying in 10th standard in St. Josephs Boys Higher Secondary School, Kozhikode.He has also proven his caliber by making it to the finals of IT Shastra mela held earlier this year.
Yuvajana Vibhagam congratulated and honored the achievers at their residences. District Yuvajana Vibhagam President Sri. Arunkumar A S presented a Letter of Appreciation while Secretary Sri. Sooraj S handed over the Mementos. All three achievers are part of Orangepada - the wonderful team of Yuvajana Vibhagam, Kerala Brahmana Sabha, Kozhikode.
Congratulations Priyakaveri, Vishnu and Venkitasubramanian !
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Senior Citizens Day celebrated at Kozhikode
District Vanitha Vibhagam celebrated Senior Citizens Day at Sri Kanchi Sankaracharya Clinic hall on 13th November 2011 in a grand way. a gathering of more than 50 members involving ladies and seniors from the community attended the program. 6 senior citizens were honored on the occassion and sarees were distributed. to senior women. A quiz competition and 'Pachaka Mela' - a competition where everybody bought traditional and tasty home made items was conducted in which Sri. T V Krishna Iyer (District President, KBS) was the judge was conducted. The winners and participants were given prizes. A chit fund scheme was also started for around 50 members. Vanitha Vibhagam State Joint Secretary Smt. Padma V, State committee members Smt. Usha Gopalakrishnan, Smt. Jayalakshmi Mahalingam, District Treasurer Smt. Geetha Balasubramaniam were among the organisers. Vanitha Vibhagam President Smt. Parvathy Thyagarajan welcomed the gathering, while Secretary Smt. Gomathy delivered the vote of thanks.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
North Upasabha elects New Office Bearers for 2011 - 13
The Annual General Body of North Upasabha held on 30th October 2011 elected the following as Office Bearers for the term of 2011-13.
President: Dr. Subbaram K R
Vice President: Sri. Ramachandran V S
Secretary: Sri. Mahalingam V
Joint Secretary: Sri. Rajendran M
Treasurer: Sri. Ramachandran R
Committee members: Dr. Thyagarajan A, Dr. Ananthasivan G, Sri. Jayachandran M V, Sri. Parameswaran, Smt. Parvathy Thyagarajan and Smt. Jayalakshmi M.
Committee members: Dr. Thyagarajan A, Dr. Ananthasivan G, Sri. Jayachandran M V, Sri. Parameswaran, Smt. Parvathy Thyagarajan and Smt. Jayalakshmi M.
Congratulations and Best Wishes to the newly elected Office Bearers and Committee.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Yuvajana Vibhagam successfully completes 1 year
Yuvajana Vibhagam of Kerala Brahmana Sabha celebrates its first birthday on 2011 November 7th. By the grace of God, and with the guidance, support and blessings of elders and also with the participation and co-operation of youngsters from Calicut has made this a reality. On this occasion, taking a look back at the trail of Events and the Success Stories of this wing ….
2010 November 7th – Formation of Yuvajana Vibhag at Sree Kanchi Sankaracharya Clinic Hall. The first ever district committee formed. The District blogspot page was inaugurated on the occasion.
2010 November 27th , 28th – Took the lead in Organising a district event ‘Vipra Vismayam’ – an event focusing on sport events like Carroms, Shuttle, Cricket, Chess and to add on; Re – Invented and Re-introduced the traditional Brahmin game ‘PALLAMKUZHI’.
2011 February 5th , 6th – Organized a team of 68 participants and took the charge of making it to the State Level finals of the second edition of Vipra Vismayam 2011 which was held at Cochin. To add to the glamour, Kozhikode district emerged out holding the 2nd runner up position. At the same occasion, acclaimed the prestigious name ‘ORANGEPADA’ .
2011 February 12th – Honored and recognised the Winners and Participants of Vipra Vismayam 2011 who made and brought success to Kozhikode Kerala Brahmana Sabha.
2011 April 10th – Conducted a Youth Day. Organised a lot of youngsters and arranged a gala function which gave the chance for youngsters to showcase their hidden talent. Quiz competition, Debate and lot more competitions conducted on the occasion. Sri. Ramachandran (State Level Convenor of Sri Sathya Sai Sangham) was the Chief Guest for the function.
2011 April 30th, May 1st – Created History by conducting SCRABBLE 2011. Scrabble competitions were conducted for the first time in the history of Kerala Brahmana Sabha. Primarily motived at adding Value addition to the Brahmin community and to encourage more people to improve their English speaking and Vocabulary, the competitions saw more than 50 participants categorized into 4 different groups with more and more appreciation for the venture.
2011 June 19th – Honored 23 young achievers from the district from 10th and 12th standards for their outstanding brilliance in their academics and for achieving highest grades. Sri. N R Parameswaran (State Joint Secretary, Kerala Brahmana Sabha) was the chief guest for the day.
2011 August 28th – a new team took charge at the Annual General Meeting held at Sree Kanchi Sankaracharya Clinic Hall, Tali.
2011 September 10th – ‘Padayottam 2011’ Onam celebrations was held with competitions including Pookalam (Flower Carpet), Insta-Act, Dhumcherades and Anthaakshari with participation from all members including seniors, ladies and of course youngsters.
2011 October 5th – Pooja holidays was celebrated with a Bhajan and Saraswathi Pooja at Sree Kanchi Sankaracharya Clinic hall, Tali.
2011 October 15th, 16th – Organised a team of 42 members from the district to participate and attend Saamskarika Kalamela 2011, Scrabbles n Sudoku 2011 state level finals the 41st Annual General conference of Kerala Brahmana Sabha at Trivandrum. The district scooped the major of the prizes at the Scrabbles event. Also Yuvajana Vibhagam State leadership was taken by Kozhikode district on the occasion.
Apart from these events, The wing also extended its full help and support in the activities of the District Committee and also in that of the Ladies wing. The wing has turned out to be a major supporting force for Kerala Brahmana Sabha, Kozhikode.
The success story continues into the 2nd year ……..
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Annadanam for Sabarimala Pilgrims at Kottayam Brahmana Samooham
Swamiye Saranamayyappa !
The Kottayam Brahmana Samooham has made arrangements for providing food for Sabarimala pilgrims during Mandala-Makara Vilakku season as in the previous years. Accomodation is also available here with A/C and non-A/C room falcilities. Those who wish to Sponsor towards the Annadanam may kindly contact Sree Dharmasastha Annadanam Trust, City Union Bank, Kottayam Branch, SB Account No. 54001001256086, IFSC Code: CIUB0000154. For further details, contact Sri. Umamaheshwara Iyer, Secretary on 9387884646.
The Kottayam Brahmana Samooham has made arrangements for providing food for Sabarimala pilgrims during Mandala-Makara Vilakku season as in the previous years. Accomodation is also available here with A/C and non-A/C room falcilities. Those who wish to Sponsor towards the Annadanam may kindly contact Sree Dharmasastha Annadanam Trust, City Union Bank, Kottayam Branch, SB Account No. 54001001256086, IFSC Code: CIUB0000154. For further details, contact Sri. Umamaheshwara Iyer, Secretary on 9387884646.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Religious Discourse on 'BRAHMIN CULTURE'
Kozhikode District Kerala Brahmana Sabha organised a religious discourse on 'BRAHMIN CULTURE' on Sunday, 2011 October 23rd at Gayathri Kalyana Mandapam, Tali. This one day program was conducted with an aim to give all a chance to kow more a lot on Nityhakarma, Aachara Aanushtana of Brahmin Culture.
Famous Orator and Scholar Dr. K V Seshadrinatha Sastrigal delivered his discourse. Dr. K V Seshadrinatha Sastrigal who is basically a Sanskrit Professor, a learned Scholar, a recipent of Dharmasestha Award of Kerala Brahmana Sabha is also an authority of Vedic and Aachara Anusthana of Brahmin Culture. A retired principal of Sanskrit college, Madras (Chennai), Sastrigal has been rendering many religious discourses pertaining to Brahmin Culture. Sodashasamskaram etc and his programs a many of them have been telecasted in Sankara TV. The program started with the sabha prayer by Yuvajana Vibhagam member Kum. Ranjani P and the discourse started at 10 am which extended till 6.30pm in the evening. In his Praabhashanam, Sasthrigal focused on the nithyakarma and anushtanas a Brahmin should perform in his daily living. A lively session that included Gents, Seniors, Ladies, Youth and Children also included a Question and Answer session towards the last, where the audience could clarify their doubts on the pertaining subject. While Program Convenor Dr. V P Balasubramaniam welcomed the gathering, State Committtee Member Sri. C S Gopalakrishnan introduced Sasthrigal to the audience. Mast. Sankaranarayanan - who won the 3rd Prize in Saamskarika Kalamela 2011 for Manthrochaaranm was also felicitated during the function. During a session-break, the newly elected Office bearers of State Yuvajana Vibhagam and new Committee members of KBS State, Vanitha Vibhagam and Yuvajana Vibhagam were also introduced. KBS State Committee members Sri. C S Gopalakrishnan, Dr. A Thyagarajan and Past Presidents of Kozhikode Sri. T S Venkitadri and Dr. A Ramanathan were also present on the occassion. District Secretary Sri. Harikumar P K, District Treasurer Dr. T S Seetharaman, Yuvajana Vibhagam Secretary Sri. Sooraj S, State Yuvajana Vibhagam leaders Sri. Kiran C G, Sri. Ramkumar K B, Sri. Arun Kumar A S and Yuvajana Vibhagam members Sri. Rajesh P K, Sri. Vivek N V, Sri. Gokul, Sri. Ganesh M and Mast. Krishna N were involved the team of organisers. District President Sri. T V Krishna Iyer proposed the official vote of thanks. Lunch and Refreshments were also provoided at the venue itself.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
New KBS State Office Bearers elected for 2011 - 2013
At the 41st Annual Conference held on 2011 October 15th and October 16th at Panchajanyam Kalyana Mandapam, Fort P. O., Thiruvananthapuram, a new team for Kerala Brahmana Sabha was elected for the term 2011 - 13 for the State committee and Vanitha Vibhagam. A new team also took charge for Yuvajana Vibhagam for the first time in the history of Kerala Brahmana Sabha.
Dr. V Ramalinga Iyer from Ernakulam was re-elected as State President. Sri. P Ananthasubramaniam as General Secretary and Sri. K G V Pathy as Treasurer. Sri. Mohandas S and Sri. Sankarasubramanian A were elected as Headquarter Joint Secretaries.
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Dr. Ramalinga Iyer V (President), Sri. P Ananthasubramaniam (Gen. Secy), Sri. K G V Pathy (Treasurer) Sri. Mohandas. S and Sri. Sankarasubramnaian A (HQ Joint Secretaries) |
Zonal Presidents: Sri. N R Krishnamoorthy (North), Dr. P S Raman (Central) and Sri. N Hariharan (South)
Zonal Secretaries: Sri. C D Parameswaran (North), Sri. N R Parameswaran (Central) and Sri. Suresh R (South)
The Vanitha Vibhagam and Yuvajana Vibhagam elections were also held on the same day. The Vanitha Vibhagam unanimously elected Dr. Saraswathy K. V from Alappuzha as President. The new Secretary is Adv. Sujini Venkitachalam and Muthulekshmi M., the Treasurer.
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Dr. Saraswathy K V (President), Adv. Sujini Venkitachalam (Secretary), Smt. Muthulekshmi M (Treasurer) |
Sri. Kiran C G from Kozhikode was unanimously elected as President of Yuvajana Vibhagam while Sri. Ramkumar K B was elected as Secretary and Sri. Arun Kumar A S as Treasurer.
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Sri. Kiran C G (President), Sri. Ramkumar K B (Secretary), Sri. Arun Kumar A S (Treasurer) |
Zonal Presidents: Sri. Ramesh K S (North), Sri. Aravind Sankar (Central) and Sri. Narayanan S (South)
Zonal Secretaries: Sri. Sreeram V (North), Sri. Sreehari V (Central) and Sri. Sankaranarayanan (South)
Congratulations to the newly elected Office Bearers of the State !
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Saraswathi Pooja Celebrated at Kozhikode
Yuvajana Vibhag celebrated Saraswathi Pooja in the evening with a Pooja and a Bhajan on Wednedsay, 5th October 2011. The function held at Sri. Kanchi Sankaracharya Clinic hall was attended by a mix of people representing various age groups and various upasabhas. On the occassion, the members recited bhajans and a Saraswathi Pooja was also performed and Prasadam was distributed to all. While the bhajans were lead by Smt. Seethalakshmi C S (Vanitha Vibhag Joint Secretary) and Kavitha G Krishnan (Yuvajana Vibhag Treasuruer), Sri. Arunkumar A S (Yuvajana Vibhag President), Sri. Ramkumar K B (State Executive Member), Kum. Kavitha G (Yuvajana Vibhag Joint Secretary) and Sri. Sathish S (Program Convenor) lead the organising team. Several youngsters as well as Seniors atteneded the program and also involved in reciting the bhajans.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Onam Celebrations at Kozhikode
Yuvajana Vibhag, Kozhikode District celebrated the festival of flowers - ONAM in a grand way. The function which is the first program of the newly formed committee was held on Saturday, 10th September 2011 at Sri Kanchi Sankaracharya Clinic hall, Tali and was inaugurated by Sri. T V Krishna Iyer (President, Kozhikode Kerala Brahmana Sabha).
In accordance a Pookalam (Flower Carpet) competition was conducted which saw many members from Various Upasabhas participate. The team representing Mankavu Upasabha comprising of Kum. Kavitha G, Kum. Ranjani Parameswaran and Kum. Sukanya Santhosh were declared the winners of the competition and the team representing Chalappuram Upasabha comprising of Smt. Leela viswanathan, Smt. Radhika Parameswran, Kum. Sneha and Mast. Krishna
bagged the second position. There were few other competitions like Dhumcherades, Insta – Adapt and Anthakshari which saw every one irrespective of age participate. Smt. Geetha Balasubramaniam (Treasurer - Vanitha Vibhag) gave away the prizes for the winners and also to all participants. The Yuvajana Vibhag team lead by Sri. Arunkumar (President), Sri. Rajesh P K( Vice President),
Sri. Sooraj (Secretary), Kavitha G (Joint Secretary), Kavitha G Krishnan (Treasurer) other Yuvajana Vibhag members Sri. GaneshRaj, Sri. Goutham, Sri. Vivek N V and Kum. Sukanya Santhosh took the lead in organizing the function, State Committee Members Sri. Kiran C G, Sri. Ramkumar K B, Senior leaders Sri. Gopalakrishnan C S, Sri. Mahalingam, Sri. Sivanandan and Dr. Thyagarajan were also present on the occasion. The function was well attended and the organisers were well appreciated for the initiative.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
New Team for Kozhikode District elected at the General Body
The Annual General Body held on Sunday, 2011 August 28th at Sri Kanchi Sankaracharya Clinic Hall, Tali, Calicut - 2 unanimously elected a new team of Office Bearers for the year 2011 - 13. The meeting was presided over by Sri. Jayachandran M V (Dist. Vice President). Sri. K B Sivanandan (Dist. Secretary) presented the Annual Report and Annual Accounts for the year 2009 - 11 the same was passed unanimously. The meeting unanimously elected the following office Bearers for the year 2011 - 13
The meeting unanimously resolved that the statements issued by the Opposition Leader Sri. V S Achuthanandan regarding the Maharaja of Trivandrum was very painful and people like Opposition leaders should not give these types of Loose Talks and Praying God to give Sri. Achuthanandan the blessings to avoid such statements in future. Dr. A Thyagarajan, Sri. C S Gopalakrishnan and Smt. Brinda Hariharan (all State Committe Members) spoke on the occassion. The meeting also decided to attend the State Conference to be held at Trivandrum as well as the Saamskarika Kalamela in large numbers. Sri. S H Balagovindan acted as the Presiding Officer for the Election process. Sri. T V Krishna Iyer in his acceptance speech, expressed his thanks for electing him and also mentioned that will be utlising the expert opinions and advise of Sabha leaders like Sri. C S Gopalakrishnan, Dr.Thyagarajan and Sri. Balagovindan to develop the district further and seek the co-operation of all members to make Calicut as a model district to the state. Vanitha Vibhag Secretary Smt. Gomathy Lakshminarayanan and Yuvajana Vibhag Secretary Sri. Rajesh P K congratulated the new team of office bearers and assured all support and help from the respective wings. Newly elected Secretary Sri. Harikumar P K proposed the vote of thanks.
YUVAJANA VIBHAG elects a new team for the year 2011 -13
The Yuvajana Vibhag also conducted their General Body at the same venue following the District General Body. Committee Member Sri. C G Kiran welcomed the gathering. The meeting was presided by Vice President Sri. Harikumar P K. Secretary Sri. Rajesh P K presented the Annual Report and the Accounts for the year 2010 - 11 which were passed unanimously. A new team for Yuvajana Vibhag was also elected unanimously. The following Office Bearers took charge for the year 2011 - 13
Sri. Arunkumar A S in his acceptance speech mentioned that the Yuvajana Vibhag will keep up the momentum that it carried since its formation last november and also seeked the help and co-operation of other members in the process. State Committe Member Sri. C G Kiran spoke on the occassion. The meeting also decided that Kozhikode district will take part in the State Conference 2011 at Trivandrum and also to propose candidates for State Leadership of Yuvajana Vibhag. In this cause, the meeting unanimously passed the candidature of Sri. Kiran C G, Sri. Ramkumar K B and Sri. Arunkumar A S for the State positions. Members actively participated in the discussion on the Action plan for the year 2011 - 12 and various suggestions pertaining arose in the meeting. District President Sri. T V Krishna Iyer and Vanitha Vibhag Secretary Dr. Gomathy Lakshminarayanan congratulated the new team of youngsters and also assured all help, support and guidance in the activities of Yuvajana Vibhag. Newly elected Secretary Sri. Sooraj S proposed the vote of thanks and the meeting was adjourned after Shanthi Manthram.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Annual General Body Meeting on Sunday, 2011 August 28th
Kindly take notice that the next Annual General Body Meeting of Kerala Brahmana Sabha, Kozhikode district will be held on Sunday, 2011 August 28th at 10 am at Sree Kanchi Sankaracharya Free Clinic Hall, Puthiyapalam road, Tali East, Calicut – 673 002. Kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting and give us the benefit of your active participation.
- Prayer
- Welcome address
- Obituary Reference
- Presidential Address
- Passing of the Minutes of the Last Annual General Meeting
- Matters arising out of the Minutes and Follow up Action
- To consider and adopt the Annual Report of District for the year 2009 - 11
- To consider and adopt the Annual Accounts of District for the year 2009 - 11
- Election of Office Bearers for the year 2011 – 13
- Appointment of Auditor for the year 2011 - 13
- Discussion on contribution for State Building Fund and Vishukaineetam 2011
- Resolutions if any
- Any other matter with the permission of the Chair
- Vote of Thanks
- Shanthi Manthram
Yuvajana Vibhag Annual General Meeting will also take place in the same venue at 11.30 am.
Sivanandan K B
District Secretary
Ph: 94463 97221
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Ramanattukara Upasabha elects Office Bearers for 2011 - 13
The Annual General Body of Ramanattukara Upasabha held on Sunday, 7th August 2011 elected the following as Office Bearers for the term of 2011-13.
President: Sri. Venkideshwaran P V
Vice President: Sri. Yogesh
Secretary: Sri. Sivanandan K B
Joint Secretary: Sri. Sreenivasan
Treasurer: Sri. Sivaramakrishnan
The Reports and the Accounts for the year 2009 - 2011 were presented and passed unanimously at the meeting. Other committee members were also elected for the term of 2011-2013.
Congratulations to the newly elected Office Bearers and Committee.
Congratulations to the newly elected Office Bearers and Committee.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Saamskaarika Kalamela 2011 held at Kozhikode
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Achievers honoured at Prathiba Saayannam
Yuvajana Vibhag honours 23 achievers from the district who secured high marks in the 10th std. and 12th
std. at the Prathiba Saayannam (Merit Evening) held on Sunday, 19th June 2011 at Sree Kanchi Sankaracharya Clinic hall. The function was presided by District Vice President Sri. T V Krishnan who opined that Brahmins have been outstanding in academics and that that the younger generation must take pride in being a Brahmin. Kerala Brahmana Sabha Central Zone secretary Sri. N R Parameswaran was the Chief Guest of the day who gave away the mementos for the winners.
In his address, Sri. Parameswaran described the significant contribution made by brahmins in various fields of the society. He also mentioned the importance of 'Gayathri' mantra which helps in gaining concentration and other prayers that helps in improving our caliber.
He congratulated all winners and also appreciated the wing in conducting this function. State Committe member Sri. C S Gopalakrishnan, Yuvajana Vibhag State Committe member Sri. Ramkumar K B and Program Convenor Sri. Sooraj S gave their felicitation address. The academic achievers and parents shared their experiences on this occassion. Yuvajana Vibhag State Committe member Sri. Kiran C G welcomed the gathering while Yuvajana Vibahg secretary Sri. Rajesh P K delivered the vote of thanks.
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Sri Panduranga Vittal Kalyanam celebrated in Kozhikode
The district committee celebrated Sri Panduranga Vittal Kalyanam on Sunday, 2011 May 29th at Tali Brahmana Samooham hall, Tali in a highly disciplined and an organised manner. The celebrations being conducted for the second time at Calicut started from 9am onwards at Tali Brahmana Samooham hall. The highlight of this years kalyanam is the 'Panduranga Leela Abhanga Anukarana Abhinaya Bhajana' - which is a unique composition of bhajan in a dramatised form and is also a bhajan program chosen for Namapracharana to spread the cult bhakthi among younger generations to upkeep our tradition and devotion.Eminent bhajan artiste Sri. Cuddalore Gopi Bhaagavathar (a blessed disciple of Sri. Krishnapremi Swamigal) and party performed the Kalyanam in the bhajan style this year.
He has been performing various programmes in Sampradhaya Bhajana and Abhanganukarana Bhajana and is assisted by his daughter Kum. Radhika. Sri. Gopi Bhaagavathar has already performed this program at over 1200 stages in India as well as abroad. Specially designed idols of Lord Panduranga and Rukkubai Devi were brought in a procession in which all children, ladies and youth members accompanied them by singing bhajans all the way to the Mandapam, and then placed in a specially decorated Unjaal. Following Mangalasthanam, Aabharana, Vasthradharanam and Choornika, Lord Panduranga Vittal garlanded Rukkubai Devi. After Mangalyadhaaranam every devotee irrespective of age in the Mandapam participated in the Kalyanatharangam - a special dance showing happiness after the marriage of the Lord. Sri. T V Krishnan, President - Tamil Sangham Kozhikode did the felicitation address. The Bhaagavathars were honored by Hon. Justice Sri. T L Vishwanatha Iyer (retd), who is the chairman of Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan - Kerala region by adorning a PONNADA to Sri. Kadalur Gopi Bhaagavathar and also gave Mangaladrevyam to Kum. Radhika (daughter of Sri Gopi Bhaagavathar).
The program went on in a highly disciplined and a organised manner which gave the chance for devotees to involve in the celebrations. Prasada Ootu was done after the function. District leaders Sri. T S Venkitadri, Sri. K B Sivanandan, State Executive member Sri.C S Gopalakrishnan, District Committe member Sri. T S Vishwanathan, Sri. T R Ranganathan, Vanitha Vibhag leaders Smt. Brinda Hariharan, Smt. Usha Gopalakrishnan, Smt. Leela Vishwanathan, Smt. Padma Venkideshwaran and Yuvajana Vibhag leaders Sri. Ramkumar K B, Sri. Ramgopal L G, Sri. Harikumar P K, Sri. Arunkumar A S, Sri. Sooraj S, Mast. Krishna Narayanaswamy and Sri. Kiran C G took the lead in organising the function and make it a grand success. The devotees thanked Kerala Brahmana Sabha Kozhikode district and also appreciated the committee on this program.
Sunday, June 05, 2011
Mankave Upasabha elects Office Bearers for 2011-13
The Annual General Body of Mankave Upasabha held on 22nd May 2011 elected the following as Office Bearers for the term of 2011-13.
President: Sri. T S Venketadri
Vice President: P K Venkatraman
Secretary: V Ananthanarayanan
Joint Secretary: N Gopalakrishnan
Treasurer: K N Ravi
The Reports and the Accounts for the year 2009 - 2011 were presented and passed unanimously. Students from the Upasabha who secured high marks in their academic exams were also honored and were given mementos. Other committee members were also elected for the term of 2011-2013.
Congratulations to the newly elected Office Bearers and Committee.
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
SCRABBLE 2011 - Yuvajana Vibhag creates History
Kerala Brahmana Yuvajana Vibhag creates history by conducting Scrabble competitions for the first time in Kozhikode as well as in the history of Kerala Brahmana Sabha. This unique initiative of Yuvajana Vibhag conducted on the days of 2011 April 30th (Saturday) and May 1st (Sunday) at Sree Kanchi Sankaracharya Free Clinic Hall received great appreciation and support from the members of the community.
The event that saw about 50 participants in four different categories was inaugurated by the Program Convenor Kum. Deepika and Joint Convenor Kum. Kavitha went off in a befitting manner. Initially after the formal inauguration, coaching was given for the participants to learn and play the Game of Words. the competitions for 2 different categories was conducted on the first day and for the rest on the 2nd day. Program Convenor Kum. Deepika, Joint Convenor Kum. Kavitha, Program Co-Coordinators Sri. Kiran, Sri, Anand and Sri. Ramkumar were the judges for the matches which was indeed a tight and a tough competition. Mast. Sriram C H, Kum. Sneha Narayanaswamy and Sri. Venkatraman won the first place in the respective categories while Kum, Priyakaveri, Mast.Krishnarjun and Smt. Jayalakshmi Venkatraman won the second place. The participation was strong enough and it was a fact to boast that maximum participation came from the Senior Category which also included ladies participating in it.
State Youth Exective member Sri. Kiran mentioned the need and benefits of playing this unique Game of Words at the start and also added that this venture was not just propogating the game, but also to enhance the language and vocabulary of the members of the community .
The winners and participants shared their golden experience that they had and also appreciated the wing for conducting such a unique event. They also shared the fact that their language and vocabulary in playing this game has really improved and promised that they will practice the game for better results.
District Executive member Sri. Subbaraman and State Executive member Sri. Gopalakrishnan C S gave away the prizes for the winners as well as the participants. The Program Conveners as well as the Coordinators were also felicitated on the occasion.
Sri. Subbaraman in his speech while appreciating the wing on the success of the program also added that the Yuvajana Vibhag should come up with more ventures that would give value addition to the members of the community. The Program Convenor Kum. Deepika welcomed the gathering while Joint Convenor Kum. Kavitha delivered the vote of thanks. Yuvajana Vibhag President Sri. Krishnakumar, Secretary Sri. Krishnan and other executive members were also present during the competitions. The selected winners will represent the district at the State finals to be held later this year.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
DISTRICT SCRABBLE COMPETITIONS - April 30th and May 1st 2011
Kerala Brahmana Sabha - Kozhikode Yuvajana Vibhag proudly introduces SCRABBLE - a Unique Word Building Game for the members of our community which helps to improve our vocabulary and also enhance our knowledge on words and word formation. This unique game not only helps us to learn new words and definitions, but also improves our memory, enhances our language skills, and exercises our mind muscles for long-term learning and retention.
We take great privilege and honour in inviting you and your family to the District Level SCRABBLE Competitions 2011 to be held on the days of 2011 April 30th (Saturday) and May 1st (Sunday) respectively at Sree Kanchi Sankaracharya Free Clinic Hall, Puthiyapalam road, Tali east, Kozhikode from 10 am onwards. Please note that this game is conducted for the First time in Kozhikode as well as in the history of Kerala Brahmana Sabha. The competitions will be conducted in 4 different categories with finalists from each category to be selected to represent Kozhikode district at the State Level finals to be held later this year. The details of the competitions are appended below. We hope that you will continue to extend the same support and co-operation as usual, once again by your whole hearted participation and make this Unique event a great success.
Category I – born between 1/1/1999 – 31/12/2004 (7 - 12 years) - May 1st, Sunday 10 am
Category II – born between 1/1/1993 – 31/12/1998 (13 – 18 years) - April 30th, Saturday 10 am
Category III – born between 1/1/1986 – 31/12/1992 (19 - 25 years) - April 30th, Saturday 10 am
Category IV – born before 31/12/1985 (above 25 years) - May 1st, Sunday 10 am
For further Details and Registration, please contact
Deepika Venkat Kavitha G Krishnan
Program Convenor Joint Convenor
Ph: 90483 31987 Ph: 95678 74054
Kiran C G Krishnan G
Program Co - Ordinator Secretary, Yuvajana Vibhag
Ph: 94959 53012 Ph: 80868 61868
Akshay Venkat Ramgopal L G
Program Co - Ordinator Program Co - Ordinator
Ph: 97456 94627 Ph: 92492 38219
Last date for registrations – 2011 April 28th (Thursday 6 pm)
Last date for registrations – 2011 April 28th (Thursday 6 pm)
NB: Demo Coaching to play the game will be given on both the days from 9 am to 10 am
Looking forward for your active participation in the competition
Kerala Brahmana Sabha, Kozhikode District
Youth Day celebrations - a Gala Event
It was indeed a grand start for Yuvajana Vibhag, where in the Youth Day Celebrations went off with flying colours on Sunday, 2011 April 10th at Sree Kanchi Sankaracharya free clinic Hall. Sri K P Ramachandran – State level Convenor for the Sathya Sai Seva Sangam inaugurated the colourful event and also gave an inspiring speech to the mix of Children, Youth as well as senior members of the community. He had a motivating speech on What youth are, what they should be and what they will be in his inaugural speech. District President Sri. T S Venkitadri, Vice President Sri. T V Krishna Iyer, State Executive member Sri. C S Gopalakrishnan also spoke on the occasion. All the speakers in their respective felicitations highlighted the helping hand that the Yuvajana Vibhag had rendered in the district level events held recently.
The inauguration was followed by a Quiz competition on Devotional topics which saw 32 participants participate and showed their strength that they are not far behind when it comes to Religious topics too. District President Sri. T S Venkitadri was the quiz master for this event. The quiz competition was anchored by Yuvajana Vibhag Secretary Sri. Krishnan G. This was followed by a Debate Session which saw a live and a active participation from Youth members who had their say and arguments on the Topic “Brahmin Youth – Should they adopt the Indian Culture or the Western Culture”. This was anchored by State Youth Executive member Sri. C G Kiran.
It was indeed a difficult task to decide which team won the debate and finally the mediator had to announce the equal strength put in by the teams inspite of the fact the topics were given on the spot. The post lunch session saw various spot competitions organized and anchored by youth members Sri. Akshay Venkat and Sri. Sooraj Santhosh. These competitions include Biscuit eating, Memory test and Thambola (Housie)to name a few. The variety event – Couples competition anchored by Sri. Gopalakrishnan was indeed a special point to mention. Around 10 couples participated and Mrs and Mr. Krishnan from Mankave bagged the first place. Quality prizes were distributed for the winners as well as for the participants for all events. Kumari. Ranjani and Kumari. Durga who were the anchors for this one day event had their roles performed fantastic.
This event – which is the first of its kind organized by Yuvajana Vibhag finds a place in the history of Kerala Brahmana Sabha Kozhikode chapter. Program Convenor Sri. Ramkumar K B in his formal vote of thanks extended his gratitude to all members of the community for their participation and also added that the Yuvajana Vibhag will come up with various projects in the near future for the community and will extend all support and co-operation to all units under Kerala Brahmana Sabha Kozhikode. The highlight of this years celebrations was that the Yuvajana Vibhag was able to identify about 40 youth members, their hidden talents and was also able to give a platform to the youth members to reveal their talent.
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Yuvajana Vibhag to conduct Youth Day in April
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Kozhikode District comes 3rd in Vipra Vismayam finals
Kozhikode district bags the 2nd runner up position in the 2nd edition of Vipra Vismayam - State Kayika Mela organised by Kerala Brahmana Sabha at Mattanchery (Kochi) on the 5th and 6th of February 2011. The 46 member team known as the "ORANGE PADA " bagged the 3rd position after Trivandrum (First) and Hosts Ernakulam (Second) in the mega event organised by Kerala Brahmana Sabha.
The fact that Kozhikode is participating for the first time in this event adds glamour to this success. It was really a competent show by Kozhikode who bagged the pole position in the Pallamkuzhi competion - a brahmin special event was indeed a special point to mention. The team lead by the Youth Wing of the district dedicates the success to all participants who represented the district in this event. It was indeed a special note that Women participants gained the maximum points for the district in this event. The winners and participants will be recognised at a special function to be organized on Saturday 2011 February 12th at Calicut.
The fact that Kozhikode is participating for the first time in this event adds glamour to this success. It was really a competent show by Kozhikode who bagged the pole position in the Pallamkuzhi competion - a brahmin special event was indeed a special point to mention. The team lead by the Youth Wing of the district dedicates the success to all participants who represented the district in this event. It was indeed a special note that Women participants gained the maximum points for the district in this event. The winners and participants will be recognised at a special function to be organized on Saturday 2011 February 12th at Calicut.
Annual Day Celebrations on Sunday 2011 February 13th
The Annual Day celebrations of Kerala Brahmana Sabha Kozhikode chapter will be celebrated on Sunday 13th February 2011 at Tali Brahmana Samooham, Tali, Calicut - 2.
Prominent Cine Actor and the man behind Tamil Brahmin movements Sri. Delhi Ganesh will be the Chief Guest for the function. State President Dr. V.Ramalinga Iyer will inaugrate the function. Eminent Personalities will participate in seminars and discussions on subjects pertaining to Brahmin Culture and Tradition.Other speakers will include veterans like Sri. N N Ramachandran (Charter State President KBS) who will speak on the subject "Samooham Madangalum Brahmana Sabhayum", Sri. Vankitarama Iyer (FormerState President KBS) who will talk on the subjet "Kerala Brahmana Sabha - The Need of the Hour", Youth Wing State Convenor Sri. Harinath who will discuss the "Role of Youth in Kerala Brahmana Sabha". The Vanitha Session that starts at 12 in the noon will include speakers like Dr. Latha Ramakrishnan (State Vanitha Vibhag President), Smt Meena Sankaranarayanan (State Vanitha Vibhag President) and Smt. Annalakshmi (Former State Vanitha Vibhag Secretary). Past District Presidents of Kozhikode will be honored on this occasion.The function will start at 9am and will extend throughout the day including sessions for Ladies as well as for Youth Members of the community. The function ends with a "Sowhrida Sammelanam" at 3pm where all Brahmin movement organisation leaders will give their felicitations. The district committee extends a hearty welcome to all members of the community as well as to all well wishers to attend the same with family and friends and make this function a grand success.

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