..................Official Blog of Kerala Brahmana Sabha, Kozhikode District..................

║ nitāntakānta dantakānti mantakānta kātmajam achintya rupa mantahēna mantarāya krintanam
hrudantarey nirantaram vasantameva yoginām tameka danta meka meva chintayāmi santatam ║

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

DISTRICT SCRABBLE COMPETITIONS - April 30th and May 1st 2011

Kerala Brahmana Sabha - Kozhikode Yuvajana Vibhag proudly introduces SCRABBLE - a Unique Word Building Game for the members of our community which helps to improve our vocabulary and also enhance our knowledge on words and word formation. This unique game not only helps us to learn new words and definitions, but also improves our memory, enhances our language skills, and exercises our mind muscles for long-term learning and retention.

We take great privilege and honour in inviting you and your family to the District Level SCRABBLE Competitions 2011 to be held on the days of 2011 April 30th (Saturday) and May 1st (Sunday) respectively at Sree Kanchi Sankaracharya Free Clinic Hall, Puthiyapalam road, Tali east, Kozhikode from 10 am onwards. Please note that this game is conducted for the First time in Kozhikode as well as in the history of Kerala Brahmana Sabha. The competitions will be conducted in 4 different categories with finalists from each category to be selected to represent Kozhikode district at the State Level finals to be held later this year. The details of the competitions are appended below. We hope that you will continue to extend the same support and co-operation as usual, once again by your whole hearted participation and make this Unique event a great success.


Category I      –         born between  1/1/1999 – 31/12/2004           (7 - 12 years)       - May 1st, Sunday 10 am
Category II     –         born between  1/1/1993 – 31/12/1998           (13 – 18 years)   - April 30th, Saturday 10 am
Category III   –         born between  1/1/1986 – 31/12/1992           (19 - 25 years)     - April 30th, Saturday 10 am
Category IV   –         born before 31/12/1985          (above 25 years)                    - May 1st, Sunday 10 am

For further Details and Registration, please contact

Deepika Venkat                                       Kavitha G Krishnan
Program Convenor                                 Joint Convenor
Ph: 90483 31987                                       Ph: 95678 74054

Kiran C G                                                 Krishnan G
Program Co - Ordinator                         Secretary, Yuvajana Vibhag
                Ph: 94959 53012                                       Ph: 80868 61868               

Akshay Venkat                                      Ramgopal L G                   
                Program Co - Ordinator                        Program Co - Ordinator
Ph: 97456 94627                                      Ph: 92492 38219

Last date for registrations – 2011 April 28th (Thursday 6 pm)

NB: Demo Coaching to play the game will be given on both the days from 9 am to 10 am

Looking forward for your active participation in the competition
Kerala Brahmana Sabha, Kozhikode District

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