It was indeed a grand start for Yuvajana Vibhag, where in the Youth Day Celebrations went off with flying colours on Sunday, 2011 April 10th at Sree Kanchi Sankaracharya free clinic Hall. Sri K P Ramachandran – State level Convenor for the Sathya Sai Seva Sangam inaugurated the colourful event and also gave an inspiring speech to the mix of Children, Youth as well as senior members of the community. He had a motivating speech on What youth are, what they should be and what they will be in his inaugural speech. District President Sri. T S Venkitadri, Vice President Sri. T V Krishna Iyer, State Executive member Sri. C S Gopalakrishnan also spoke on the occasion. All the speakers in their respective felicitations highlighted the helping hand that the Yuvajana Vibhag had rendered in the district level events held recently.
The inauguration was followed by a Quiz competition on Devotional topics which saw 32 participants participate and showed their strength that they are not far behind when it comes to Religious topics too. District President Sri. T S Venkitadri was the quiz master for this event. The quiz competition was anchored by Yuvajana Vibhag Secretary Sri. Krishnan G. This was followed by a Debate Session which saw a live and a active participation from Youth members who had their say and arguments on the Topic “Brahmin Youth – Should they adopt the Indian Culture or the Western Culture”. This was anchored by State Youth Executive member Sri. C G Kiran.
It was indeed a difficult task to decide which team won the debate and finally the mediator had to announce the equal strength put in by the teams inspite of the fact the topics were given on the spot. The post lunch session saw various spot competitions organized and anchored by youth members Sri. Akshay Venkat and Sri. Sooraj Santhosh. These competitions include Biscuit eating, Memory test and Thambola (Housie)to name a few. The variety event – Couples competition anchored by Sri. Gopalakrishnan was indeed a special point to mention. Around 10 couples participated and Mrs and Mr. Krishnan from Mankave bagged the first place. Quality prizes were distributed for the winners as well as for the participants for all events. Kumari. Ranjani and Kumari. Durga who were the anchors for this one day event had their roles performed fantastic.
This event – which is the first of its kind organized by Yuvajana Vibhag finds a place in the history of Kerala Brahmana Sabha Kozhikode chapter. Program Convenor Sri. Ramkumar K B in his formal vote of thanks extended his gratitude to all members of the community for their participation and also added that the Yuvajana Vibhag will come up with various projects in the near future for the community and will extend all support and co-operation to all units under Kerala Brahmana Sabha Kozhikode. The highlight of this years celebrations was that the Yuvajana Vibhag was able to identify about 40 youth members, their hidden talents and was also able to give a platform to the youth members to reveal their talent.
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